A message from Ms. Lisa
Hi Everyone!
I hope your summer has been filled with special memories and lots of fun!
As we look towards the fall, I understand that life can be/will become hectic. If you find it challenging to get yourself ready for the worship service at church, you might not even be able to think about getting your children up and ready for Sunday school either. However, it is so beneficial to have the support of the church as you teach your children about Jesus and the importance of having a relationship with him.
We realize committing to a Sunday morning program every Sunday may be difficult, but perhaps your family could make it a priority to attend church/worship once a month or every other week. Each opportunity your child has to hear God’s words, learn Bible stories, serve others, and feel the love of Jesus helps to create the foundation for spiritual development to blossom. Special friendships will develop as children begin to form relationships with other students and adults.
These relationships are key to helping kids feel like they belong and are a valuable part of our RGPC family.

RSVP - JOTFORM: https://form.jotform.com/RGPC/DecorateYourHeartforChristmas
After the Children's Worship Time, we will head downstairs to the Fellowship Hall. Children may be picked up here after the worship service.
Sunday Mornings for RGPC Kids!
Children begin each week in the Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. They will be called forward to help lead our congregation in The Lord's Prayer. Then, they will join their teachers and friends for Sunday school. Sunday school begins after the Children's Worship Time.
Our Classrooms:
*Pathways to Worship: Ages 3 - Grade 1 - Room 200 - Main Level
*FaithWorks: Grades 2-5 - Room 304 - Upper Level
Register for Sunday school here!
The last Sunday of each month (unless Family Worship is scheduled) we will continue to offer Chapel Church for Kids. After the Children's Worship Time, the children will all meet in the Chapel for a simplified worship service especially for kids. This time will include music, scripture, prayer and an object lesson. The students will be asked to participate by reading, leading and helping during various parts of the service. After our Chapel Church time, children will head to their classrooms for an activity that will help reinforce the message of our Chapel program.
They may be picked up after worship from their classrooms.
We would love to have you join us! Each week, 2 adults are needed in each classroom to help lead our children. If you would like to share a morning by assisting in one of our rooms we'd love to welcome you to our teaching team.
Lead teachers will handle the lesson. Assistant teachers interact with the kids and offer support when needed. It's a super fun way to meet the children and learn more about Children's Ministry! If this sounds like something you'd like to try, please let me know. I am working on the Fall teaching schedule.
Finally - Be sure to get an ALL ABOUT ME POSTER for your child. (Available at church - see me) We will display these around the building to help our church family learn more about our amazing RGPC Kids!
We look forward to sharing the love of Jesus with your child! Together, with your support, we can help guide your child as he/she begins his/her faith journey.
It's such a blessing to know - We are always Better Together!
Please contact me with any questions:
PS: If you haven't joined our RGPC Facebook Group Page - Better Together - Check it out! Here you will find more information about Children's and Family Ministries as well as positive and encouraging posts about children, parenting and other fun news!
Planning Your Next Visit

Here's what to expect at RGPC Kids the first time:
Find the welcome center, and then one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room.
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Child's name
- Child's birthdate
- Home address
- Phone number
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children

Are you wondering?
What is children's ministry all about?
Our mission at RGPC is to partner with parents to lead children into a growing relationship with Christ. We will create environments in which children are encouraged to pursue a friendship with God, discover their God-given gifts, as well as share their love for Jesus with people who do not yet know Him.
What do Sunday school teachers do:
Sunday school teachers form positive relationships with children. They follow a lesson plan and offer students opportunities to learn about the Bible, Jesus and faith. We have 2 different classrooms (Pathways to Worship Ages 3 - Grade 1 AND FaithWorks Grades 2-5)
Can I teach with my friend/spouse?
Absolutely! It is a great way to serve - together!
How much prep work is involved?
Basically, all prep work is done. Teachers receive their lesson ahead of time in order to read over the material. The lessons usually arrive through email 2 weeks prior to their teaching Sunday. All materials will be ready in the classroom.
How often will I teach?
Most teachers/assistants teach once a month. Others prefer teaching every other week.
Why is teaching Sunday school so important?
For obvious reasons, Sunday school teachers provide an age appropriate opportunity for children to discover the Bible and Jesus. More importantly, children learn when they feel safe and connected. Sunday school teachers are a familiar, friendly face, a person who knows their name, and a positive role model. When children feel accepted and loved they become comfortable and open to learning. This is how we introduce the Word of God and help create a foundation for faith to grow.
Do you have questions? Please ask! We are looking for dedicated people who want to share their love for Jesus with our RGPC Kids. Please contact: ladams@rosedalegardens.org
Upcoming #RGPCKids Events

Parents here is a great resource !!
Tilt Parenting- https://tiltparenting.com
Tilt Parenting works to change the way neurodifferences in children — ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, giftedness, processing challenges, twice-exceptionality, and more — are perceived and experienced so these exceptional children, and the parents raising them, can thrive in their schools, their families, and in their lives.

Helping young children process loss, separation or grief is often difficult.
These books may be helpful.
"The Invisible String" offers a very simple approach to overcoming loneliness, separation, or loss with an imaginative twist that children easily understand and embrace, and delivers a particularly compelling message for uncertain times. "The Memory Box" is a story that helps children and adults discuss and process the loss of a loved one and grief.
The unique point of view allows the reader to imagine the loss of any they have loved - a friend, family member, or even a pet. There's a parent guide in the back of the book that includes information on helping children manage the complex and difficult emotions they feel when they lose someone they love, as well as suggestions on how to create their own memory box.
Nursery Care at RGPC

The RGPC NURSERY offers a variety of fun, age appropriate play opportunities for infants and toddlers during our 10:30 worship service. Our experienced, friendly nursery staff is excited to welcome you and your child to this special room. For parents who wish to stay with their child during the service, a large, flat screen television is available offering an opportunity to view the service from our nursery. The nursery is located on the first floor in Room 201. Stop by and meet our nursery staff and see all the excitement in our RGPC Nursery.
Pathways To Worship

Special Sunday morning classes are offered to children ages 3 – 5th grade each week. At RGPC we want children to experience God’s love through the joy of worshiping, learning, and serving together.
There are two different, age-appropriate Sunday morning RGPC KIDS’ programs offered.
*Ages 3 (potty trained) – 1st grade – (First floor, Room 200)
Pathways to Worship follows a simplified version of a worship service allowing the children to hear religious language and begin to make connections to these words and their meanings. This special class allows young children to experience God’s Word in a unique way. One story is told for several weeks allowing the children different opportunities to listen to and interact with the story. Stories are told using props such as felt board pieces, wooden characters and other materials. These materials provide a visual image that will help encourage a better understanding of God, Jesus and the biblical stories. In addition, each week, children have opportunities to respond to the story through art, music and prayer. It is our goal that through repetition and hands-on learning, our young students will become familiar with the language of worship, discover the bible, and most importantly become fully aware of God’s amazing love for them.

What is FaithWorks?
FaithWorks is a special Sunday morning program designed especially for elementary school students. The main focus of each week's theme is based on The Multiple Intelligence Theory.
It takes into account the various learning styles of children. Students will have opportunities to strengthen their faith by experiencing a different approach to learning important spiritual concepts and Bible stories.
The same concept/story will be shared in completely different ways for several weeks.
It is our goal to create a Sunday school experience where children can actively engage in their own learning and begin to form a solid foundation for spiritual growth.
FaithWorks students will engage in lessons that include: Bible discovery, drama, art, games, science, music, and media.
FaithWorks meets Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the Rainbow Room-Room 304. This class is for students in grades 2-5.
Family Worship
Several times throughout the year, children will have opportunities to attend the entire worship service with their families. Often the theme of the service will reflect the concepts they have studied in their FaithWorks classrooms. Children will learn about worship by experiencing it! At RGPC, we celebrate the presence of children in our worship service.
Are you looking for positive, faith based books to read to your child, information about Christian family activities, or articles about important topics affecting children and parenting, then be sure to check out Christian Resources for Families below. You’ll discover a variety of resources to help you make informed decisions about parenting and your child’s spiritual development.
*Please note, the link below will open a new tab, and directly download the PDF of Christian Resources to your downloads*
Director of Children's and Family Ministry and Certified Parent Coach.

Director of Children's and Family Ministries & Certified Parent Coach
Lisa was born and raised in Livonia and grew up attending St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. She enjoys many happy memories of her years growing up at
St. Paul’s. It was here where she discovered her love for teaching and children.
At St. Paul’s, Lisa taught children of various ages for over 10 years.
Lisa attended The University of Michigan-Dearborn where she earned her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education with a specialized degree in early childhood education. In addition, she earned a graduate degree from Marygrove College focusing on teaching, curriculum and assessment. Over the years, Lisa has taught children in various grades as well as directing an early childhood center. Prior to her position at Rosedale Gardens, Lisa was employed by Schoolcraft College. During her time at Schoolcraft College, she taught kindergarten, preschool as well as mentoring student teachers. Lisa was also an adjunct faculty member at the college teaching various education courses.
Lisa and her husband Mark are parents of two children, Justin and Jamie, in-laws to Colleen and Scott, and grandparents to Ella & Emmett!
Lisa feels extremely blessed that God has led her to this ministry at RGPC.

Lisa Adams is an educator and certified parent coach!
Lisa is the founder of Know Better Parenting. Using an evidence-based approach, Lisa can provide parenting support to help parents navigate the many challenges often seen when raising children. Through guidance Lisa will help parents learn the best ways to heal their child’s behaviors. Whether these behaviors are common childhood concerns such as toilet training or bedtime struggles, to more complex issues caused by divorce or other traumatic situations.
Parents will be taught alternative ways to respond which in turn will result in positive changes in their child’s behavior. Parent coaches are not therapists. They are someone who is not judgmental and will walk alongside parents offering guidance and strategies to help build and strengthen the connection parents have with their children. Lisa has coaching sessions in-person, online, or over the phone.
Sessions include one or both parents (separately or together). During a session, Lisa will provide child development education, strategies, support as well as a plan to implement at home. Each parent coaching session is designed to meet the specific needs of the family. Lisa’s goal is to help parents understand the why behind their child’s behavior and provide them with the skills needed to make positive changes to their parenting approach. Lisa truly believes that when you know better you can be better.
Parenting isn’t easy, but with a good understanding and some solid, usable tools, parents can become the kind of parents who bring out the best in their child.
If you wish to learn more about parent coaching, please contact Lisa at ladams@rosedalegardens.org
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our RGPC Kids experience or visiting Rosedale Gardens with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with Lisa!