Mental Health

As a church family, we are here for YOU.

Pastor Kellie’s Summer Workshop


You are not alone. We all battle negative self-talk and self-doubt, but we don’t have to let it control our lives. Like a bad habit, we’ve all tried to talk ourselves out of being negative from our daily thoughts about ourselves, others, and the world around us. Drawing on Scripture & the application resources of psychology, we can learn strategies to help change our thinking so God can change our lives.   

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. ~Romans 12:2

God has a better life in store for you. What we think shapes who we are. Stop letting unhealthy thought patterns rule the day. Join Pastor Kellie on the journey to freedom from self-doubt and to experience the joy and peace God has in store for you.

Sign Up Online HERE or on the Sign Up Sheet in the Office.

Refreshments will be provided

3 Tuesdays This Summer

Dates & topics for each Workshop are listed below.

6:30-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

July 9th

Introduction: What we think shapes who we are. 

  • What is negative self-talk and self-doubt? 
  • What are your thoughts saying to you lately? 
  • Do I like the direction my thoughts are taking me? 
  • The lies we tell ourselves vs God’s truths & promises 

July 28th ( NOTE DATE CHANGE )

  • Changing our Self-Talk
  • Negative Self Talk and the Brain
  • Rewire Your Brain to Renew Your Mind
  • God’s Thoughts Our Thoughts

Aug. 13th

  • Change your self-talk, change your perspective
  • Who you are & who God is
  • God’s Hope & Peace for Your Life: The God Box
  • Guard your thoughts through gratitude 

Livonia is offering a proactive program designed to assist parents when their child is beginning to show signs of a problem

The Livonia Police Department is currently offering a Parental Evaluation Resource Kit (PERK) to all families who currently live in the City of Livonia or families who have children attending school in the City of Livonia. This PERK is designed to assist Livonia parents who don’t know where to turn when their children begin to show signs of a problem. PERK offers a large amount of information and convenient drug and alcohol tests that provide immediate results in the privacy and safety of the home. In the event of a positive result, PERK directs parents to appropriate community resources WITHOUT law enforcement intervention.

The program empowers parents and gives them the ability to monitor their children in the privacy of their own homes. We are providing this service as a tool for parents to start an open discussion with their children about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and to help parents deal with the issues that can interfere with being a healthy student.

While the use of this kit can be an effective method to determine whether a child is engaging in substance abuse, professional counseling by qualified, licensed professionals is often the best course of action to take.

PERK is simply a proactive program designed to assist parents when their child is beginning to show signs of a problem. It’s another resource the Livonia Police Department is offering our community in the mission to serve and protect.

Parents can obtain a PERK at the Livonia Police Department Investigative Bureau desk, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, please call the Crime Prevention Unit at (734) 466-2318.

Mental Health Focus: Suicide

Become Familiar with local resources

Call 2-1-1 For Community Resources - a non-profit that focuses on prevention and awareness. - 24/7/365 Free confidential support on-line chat for

active military, veterans & their families

*No need to be registered with the VA*

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


*NOTE* Veterans, then press "1"

Speech & Hearing-Impaired: 1-800-799-4889

Text Message: 838255


Chat on line:

Learn the sign of crisis:

Find a Support Group or call (800) 395-5755

For a Counselor Referral: The Association of Christian Counselors 

Learn the signs of crisis @:

Become familiar with local resources: Call 2-1-1 For Community Resources 


Two non-profits that focus on prevention and awareness:


24/7/365 free confidential support on-line chat for active military, veterans & their families

(don’t have to be registered with VA)

Our Psalm 91 Room

The warning signs of suicide are indicators that a person may be in acute danger

and may urgently need help.


  • Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself;
  • Looking for a way to kill oneself;
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose;
  • Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain;
  • Talking about being a burden to others;
  • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs;
  • Acting anxious, agitated, or reckless;
  • Sleeping too little or too much;
  • Withdrawing or feeling isolated;
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge; and
  • Displaying extreme mood swings.

Book Recommendation for November

Aftermath: Picking Up the Pieces After a Suicide by Gary Roe

Books for Grieving a Suicide:

A Healing After the Death Suicide of a Loved One, by Ann Smolin & John Guinan

When A Friend Dies: A Book For Teens About Grieving & Healing by Marilyn Gootman