This group is dedicated to creating an online community for all active military, veterans, first responders and their families. group has a language and experience all of its own and we are dedicated to giving you a space and place in which to interact and engage with others who know that life.
We also seek to support the families of all those who have served, as well. We welcome you here to your very own community. Thank you Jesus for every soldier & first responder protecting & serving us through this night. Like warm covers in the cold, blanket them in your love & our prayers of gratitude.
Rosedale Gardens became a “Military Caring Congregation” through Military Caring Network, USA. As a congregation, we expanded our ministry of serving those who serve to include first responders and families of both military and first responders.

You can reach out to Dave via Email - dlaycock@rosedalegardens.org

JOIN US IN HONORING OUR VETERAN OF THE MONTH We are recognizing the late Sergeant First Class, James Keith Mackie, Infantry, Airborne Ranger, United States Army, as our Veteran of the Month for March. The story of Sergeant Jim Mackie’s call to serve our country began in his childhood as he could recall his brother, David, telling stories about his experiences as a fighter pilot in the Royal Canadian Flying Corps in WW11. Jim began high school in February 1945 while World War II was still in progress but in the process of winding down. During his sophomore year, which began in 1946, boys were given an opportunity to take Junior Reserve Officers Training Corp (ROTC). He promptly enlisted in Company B, Infantry Regiment, 46th Infantry Division, Michigan National Guard. He spent his junior year at summer camp near Grayling, Michigan, and then in the summer before his senior year he was accepted and attended the elite Ranger Training Command School at Fort Benning, GA. Jim graduated from Denby High School in Detroit in January of 1949 then landed a job working in a floor covering warehouse. Six months later, on June 25, 1950, shortly after dawn, North Korean tanks and infantry poured across the 38th parallel and attacked the Republic of Korea (ROK) troops and their American advisers. On July 1, 1950, 19-year-old Jim received a telegram which told him to report for duty at Ranger Training Command, Fort Benning, GA. Jim left Detroit 9 days later. And only two and a half months after that, on September 12, 1950, he landed in North Korea. Sergeant Mackie was a Green Beret Airborne Ranger and his experiences under heavy fire were numerous. He was one of 12 Rangers that landed together in Korea and one by one he watched all 11 of them die. He was the only Ranger from his squad to come home. During the night of November 25-26, 1950, in the vicinity of the Chosin Reservoir, North Korea, Sergeant Mackie (then a Corporal), while stationed in an outpost 150 yards in front of the main line of resistance, came under heavy attack by Chinese Communist Forces attempting to overwhelm the United Nation’s lines. Sergeant Mackie, with complete disregard for his safety, stayed at his assigned post and defended the position so skillfully that Chinese Communist Forces were unable to break the United Nation’s lines at that point. After being nominated for the Medal of Honor, on April 1, 1951, Sergeant Mackie was awarded The Distinguished Service Cross (the second-highest award granted by the U.S. Army) instead, for “demonstrated valor above and beyond the call of duty.” Sergeant Mackie was wounded in action two times; thus he was awarded the Purple Heart. He was also a recipient of the Silver Star. After more than a year in combat in Korea, Jim returned home in December of 1951 and surprised his parents at church during Christmas Eve Services. He then reported to West Point where he concluded his service state-side, teaching classes on psychological warfare to the Cadets, many of whom were older than he was. Jim also served for a number of years in the 1960’s as a volunteer police officer with the Detroit Police Department. As a Christian, Jim’s faith in God was his strength. And his love for his family was second to none. Sergeant Mackie was an active member of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church for 27 years before his passing in 1994. He and his wife, Lois served faithfully in numerous roles there – calling it their home away from home. Jim enjoyed serving on the Session as both an elder and the clerk as well as a member of their finance committee. It was at St. Paul’s where the two of them raised their family and Jim started an annual Memorial Day worship service in 1987. James Keith Mackie truly embodied a life of service to God and country. We at Rosedale Gardens would like to recognize and honor the contributions of Sergeant Mackie and express our sincere thanks to his family, and, on behalf of a grateful nation, thank the Mackie family for his dedicated and honorable service. Well done, good and faithful servant.