This group is dedicated to creating an online community for all active military, veterans, first responders and their families. group has a language and experience all of its own and we are dedicated to giving you a space and place in which to interact and engage with others who know that life.
We also seek to support the families of all those who have served, as well. We welcome you here to your very own community. Thank you Jesus for every soldier & first responder protecting & serving us through this night. Like warm covers in the cold, blanket them in your love & our prayers of gratitude.
Rosedale Gardens became a “Military Caring Congregation” through Military Caring Network, USA. As a congregation, we expanded our ministry of serving those who serve to include first responders and families of both military and first responders.

You can reach out to Dave via Email - dlaycock@rosedalegardens.org

We are recognizing Samuel D. Beney, Staff Sergeant, United States Army (WWII), as our Veteran of the Month for October. Samuel (Sam) Beney was born in St. Thomas, Canada in 1923. His family moved to Southwest Detroit when he was 3 years old, where Sam lived until he went into the service. In 1943 at the age of 19, Sam was drafted into the Army. As part of his Basic Training, he went to Tennessee to take part in what was known as the Tennessee Maneuvers. Initiated by General Major George S. Patton, this was an area of Tennessee selected to train troops in combat on terrain similar to France, Belgium, and Germany. Between 1942 and 1944, more than 850,000 soldiers went to Tennessee to prepare for the fighting they would encounter in Europe. After Basic Training, Sam was sent to England as part of Company A, 1st Battalion, the 35th Infantry Division, Weapon Platoon Machine Gun Section to prepare for and await orders for the D Day Invasion of Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. In the first week of July 1944, Sam encountered his first combat when he landed on Omaha Beach during heavy fighting. From there, he participated in many battles, continuing through St. Lo, the Vire River, Mortain, Orleans, Montargis, Troy, Nancy, Sarreguemines, the Blies River, Bastogne, the lower Vosges, the Roer River, Venlo, Wesel, the Ruhr, and, on the Elbe, where the division established a reputation for aggressive action, determination, and the ability to win battles second to none.
During battle, Sam was wounded three times, mostly from mortar shell fragments. The first grazed his scalp at the top of his head, the second injured his hand, and the third and last left him wounded in his leg behind the right knee. This last wound forced him out of the war. Sam was hospitalized in Wales for 8 months before he was shipped back to the States. Sam was highly decorated, earning a Purple Heart (issued to those wounded or killed while serving) and two Oak Leaf Clusters (which denotes preceding decorations and awards), as well as the Bronze Star medal (issued for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone). After returning home, Sam married Sheila in 1954 at the age of 31. They moved to Livonia five years later. Their family grew to include three children: Bradley, Daniel, and Susan. Sam enjoyed a 37-year career at Ford Motor Co. He passed away in 2007 at the age of 84. His family remembers him as a great husband and father. We at Rosedale Gardens would like to honor the memory and bravery of Samuel Beney, and express our sincere thanks to his family for his extraordinary contribution to freedom. Thank you, good and faithful servant.